Thursday, December 16, 2010


Kenya.....if you have heard anything about Kenya of late,it's all about what we have rightfully dubbed 'Ocampo 6'. If you don't know, Kenyans have a way of making up new words or taking words from a language and making them a HUGE deal. for example, promulgation......we were talking about promulgating our new constitution but yesterday a lorry slogan was 'I promulgate the way'. The poor word has now various meanings depending on the context it has been used :D another example is sambaza, this is to transfer credit from one's mobile phone to another person's phone but NOW everyone uses the word to ask for money from another person :D you have GOT to love KEnyans though....SHOUT OUT TO MY PEOPLE :p love y'all to bits :)

Oh yea,the Ocampo 6 are those who were involved planning and executing a massive killing session which is better known as Post ELection Violence!To HAGUE they must go.....its been LONG OVERDUE for them!
NB: i frequently forget what i'm talking about and end up talking about something else so if i drift off,REMIND me please or email me and I will answer all your questions.

That's Kenya. As for me, I have recently taken a break from school(dont tell my folks coz thats trouble right there!lol). I have no motivation/psyke to go to school. I'm constantly trying to think up ways to get money and move out of my folk's crib 'coz the more I stay there, the more I want to kill myself! I know that sounds rather EMO and TMI but its my blog and my outlet so let me vent. I don't think anyone will end up reading it but I feel much better writing then keeping it in me! If I write about it all now then I wont have anything to write so i'll give it to you in bits  ;)

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